Monday, June 4, 2012

Introducing Miss New York United States 2012

Hi Everyone!

My name is Elizabeth and I was just crowed Miss New York United States 2012. What an honor it was to have been selected to represent the great state of New York this upcoming year!  I am still in shock and still can't believe this has happened to ME of all people!

Let me tell you a little about myself... My name is Elizabeth and I am a true New York, born and raised in the wonderful New York City!  I love to travel, bake and spend time with my wonderful family and friends.

My platform this year will be: Empowering Youth Through Education on Sustainability Issues, focusing on the 3 E's of sustainability - the economics, environment and social equity issues facing today's communities.

I'd love to get more involved with the community, so don't hesitate to send a message if you'd like to see me at your events! 


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