Friday, December 28, 2012

Wounded Warrior Project Holiday Party

I was invited to the Wounded Warrior Project's 2nd Annual Holiday Party.  It was nice to see everyone out and supporting our amazing military. 

I had a wonderful time speaking with members of the US Military and playing a very intense game of hot potato, although it was a snowman this time!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah!!!

St Judes Winter Gala

Last night I attended the 6th Annual St. Jude Winter Gala Presented by Friends of St. Jude.  The event supported St Jude Children's Research Hospital ( in Memphis, TN.  I met some really great young professionals and even got to speak with Michael, a former St. Jude patient and cancer survivor!  He was so full of life and such a pleasure to speak to--he is really living life to the fullest and is currently a masters student at Columbia University!  Way to go Michael!

My friend Amanda and I at the Step & Repeat

Former St Jude patient and cancer survivor Michael & I

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Great Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
My cousins came over today to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and I.  My mom made a delicious turkey and amazing side dishes!  Sweet potato pie has to be one of my favorite dishes, you have to love the toasted marshmallows! I am so full of food, don't mention food to me for the rest of the week!

This year has been amazing, I am so thankful for all of my amazing family, friends and the opportunities I've had, especially to be your reigning Miss New York!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Thank you Miss NY Sponsor Necessary Clothing for the amazing blazer!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

From my family to yours, we hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

NYSPCC - 2012 Annual Gala: Protecting Kids First

 Tonight I attended the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC) .  NYSPCC works with children who have been abused to help them get over the abuse they endured and help them reach their goals for the future.

The event was very touching and I was glad to be able to be a part of it and support their cause!

For more information, please visit:

NYSPCC President David Stack
Live Band
My friend Manny and I
NYSPCC President David Stack and I

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Happy Veteran's Day!

Thank you to all the troops who have served and are currently serving in the military for your sacrifice and service to our country!  We truly appreciate all that you do each and every day!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Miss NY Sponsor: Necessary Clothing

Exciting News:

I am proud to announce Necessary Clothing is now an official Miss New York United States 2012 sponsor!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Costume Shopping!

Today I met up with Zach Garfinkel, Halloween Director and stylist, Ricky's NYC and to shop for a new costume to wear next Wednesday!

Zach Garfinkel (Halloween Director & Stylist, Ricky's NYC) and I

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Windows 8 Opening Night Party

Tonight I was invited to the Windows 8 Opening Night Party at Pier 57 earlier tonight!  I had the opportunity to try out Microsoft's new tablet, Surface and check out the Microtropolis they created for the event.  The event was really cool and we got to try out the new products.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Introducing Miss New York United States 2012

Hi Everyone!

My name is Elizabeth and I was just crowed Miss New York United States 2012. What an honor it was to have been selected to represent the great state of New York this upcoming year!  I am still in shock and still can't believe this has happened to ME of all people!

Let me tell you a little about myself... My name is Elizabeth and I am a true New York, born and raised in the wonderful New York City!  I love to travel, bake and spend time with my wonderful family and friends.

My platform this year will be: Empowering Youth Through Education on Sustainability Issues, focusing on the 3 E's of sustainability - the economics, environment and social equity issues facing today's communities.

I'd love to get more involved with the community, so don't hesitate to send a message if you'd like to see me at your events! 


Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the one and only blog for Miss New York United States 2012!  I hope you enjoy what you see and please leave me comments.

I am so proud and honored to be representing the wonderful state of New York at the Miss United States pageant this July in Washington, DC!

Thank you for the opportunity to be Miss New York United States 2012, I hope to give this title justice! 
